Thursday, October 19, 2006


It is always difficult when something interesting is remembered, but you forgot to bring your portable library of references isn't at your fingertips. In this particular case I had brought up some controversay over land grants that conflicted with land and civil rights granted to "Ex-Mexican" Americans after the Mexican-American War in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Unfortunately at this particular venture with some rebutle from my counterparty, my argument didn't come across as much more than "some beaners got screwed out of some land somewhere".

My thought was that while the in the time the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was not made in good faith because 1) the government the treaty was made with was nolonger in the jursidiction, and 2) the people the treaty "intended" to protect were hardly aware of the treaty at all. With the assurance that all "Ex-Mexicans" were all full citizens of the United States. Despite how nice the treaty may have sounded, outside of the context of the treaty being pushed onto the Mexican government that had just lost a war, it was rhetoric and a stepping stone for worse than usual imperialism.

Ultimately, how does an ex-Mexican support their claim of land rights over "Americans" hell bend on Manifest Destiny with fancy deeds and grants given without knowledge of existing deeds. These conflicts created in good faith through selective misinformation were easy to resolve in an American legal system. The American with his fancy paperwork for evidence freshly printed by the American government mets a burdeon of proof, while the ex-Mexican only has his word that his family had been there for generations, especially when the newly found ex-American / ex-Mexican is probably unaware of Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

Anyway, the position from which I had attempted to argue from was particularly easy to find through a search on the internet. While this particular article lacks references, ir is one of the best articles I could find that resembled what I wish I had im front of me the other day:

Anyway, runnin off to do other things. I look forward to using this blog in the future to support arguments where I walk into situations where I seem to have forgotten my encyclopedia.

Bless anyone that actually found this article and read it to this point. Feel free to leave comments. I'd love to hear what people think... like I said, ifanyone else is reading this :)

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